

public function produce(
    int $partition,
    int $msgFlags,
    ?string $payload = null,
    ?string $key = null
): void {}

Produce a message to a topic partition
This is an asynchronous and non-blocking call

Parameter details

partition: can be either a partition number or RD_KAFKA_PARTITION_UA for automatic partitioning
msgflags: 0 or RD_KAFKA_MSG_F_BLOCK to block the producer if the queue is full
key: message key, if non-null the topic partitioner will calculate the partition according to the key


$conf = new SimpleKafkaClient\Configuration();
$conf->set('auto.offset.reset', 'earliest');
$producer = new SimpleKafkaClient\Producer($conf);
$producerTopic = $producer->getTopicHandle('test-topic');
    RD_KAFKA_MSG_F_BLOCK, // will block produce if queue is full
    'some message',
If you are done producing messages, you need to call flush()
If you do not call flush(), it can lead to message loss